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What do I need to get started with Disc Golf?

Now that you have heard all the hype about disc golf and watched some YouTube videos, it's time to get started! The first thing you should do is head over to your local Disc Golf Store to purchase some discs.

You can purchase online, but especially when you are starting out it is important to feel the discs and the different types of plastics (because there are a lot of them). The only way you will know if it feels comfortable in your hand is to hold it for yourself!

You're going to want 3 discs to get started including a driver, midrange and putter (and we can certainly give recommendations for each). Your driver is the one that you will use most frequently for your tee shot, these discs are made mostly for speed and distance.

The midrange will be used mainly for approach shots to the basket and for tee shots when the basket isn't too far away. The main goal of a midrange disc is for accuracy and glide and for a beginner this disc will be your new best friend!

Last is the putter which is meant to travel short distances with higher accuracy. The putter will be for short approach shots or to finish off the hole and sink your disc into the basket.

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